Viewing Bugs 1 - 50 / 917

    PIDCategoryStatusTarget VersionSummary
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
PE at creating 18fps DCP
[DCP-o-matic]  Packaging
confirmed (carl)
2.18.1Build with OpenJPEG 2.5.3
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
assigned (carl)
Missing letter z in subtitles
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
assigned (carl)
ContentTitleText should probably be only [A-Za-z0-9]
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
resolved (carl)
2.18.1Info file could not be opened for read/write with error 32 on Windows
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
resolved (carl)
2.18.1Player should display display CPL ContentTitleText in View- > CPL menu
[DCP-o-matic]  Features
resolved (carl)
2.18.1Support subtitles expressed in FCPXML files
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
assigned (carl)
"Minus" character is replaced by an "X" everywhere in the UI
[DCP-o-matic]  Features
in progress (carl)
2.18.1Store main window size and position for next start
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
2.18.1Some verifier errors shown even when asset is encrypted
[DCP-o-matic]  Features
Possibility to increase playback speed in player and reverse playback
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
2.18.1Dragging timeline content is very slow again
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
2.18.1Pressing "skip back one frame" in player several times does nothing
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
resolved (carl)
2.18.0ASS/SSA decoded by ffmpeg are broken
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
acknowledged (carl)
Intermittent data corruption / failures writing to AFP-mounted storage
[DCP-o-matic]  Documentation
resolved (carl)
2.18.0Update manual for 2.18.0
[DCP-o-matic]  Compatibility
resolved (carl)
Error adding this DCP to film - doesn't work on Windows - works on Ubuntu
[DCP-o-matic]  Features
confirmed (carl)
2.18.1Calculate time code for "image component too large" and similar errors in cli verifier
[DCP-o-matic]  Features
acknowledged (carl)
2.18.xAllow grouping of cinemas
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
resolved (carl)
Invalid DCP created with ATMOS asset
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
Out-of-disk-space conditions are poorly reported
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
Crash (assertion failure) when running out of disk as a DCP is being made
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
resolved (carl)
2.18.0Remove port option in grok config
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
resolved (carl)
2.18.0DoM hangs if Grok is enabled but the licence is not valid
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
acknowledged (carl)
4K DCP plays magnified
[DCP-o-matic]  Packaging
resolved (carl)
2.18.0Please add Fedora packages for Asahi Linux (aarch64)
[DCP-o-matic]  Packaging
resolved (carl)
2.16.xCentos stream packages for 9
[DCP-o-matic]  Features
confirmed (carl)
Show DCP markers in player
[DCP-o-matic]  General
feedback (carl)
failed to build from source
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
acknowledged (carl)
Hints window too small, overflowing and non resizable
[DCP-o-matic]  Features
acknowledged (carl)
2.16.xShow markers in Player
[DCP-o-matic]  Features
confirmed (carl)
2.16.xMake DCP verification in player configurable
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
acknowledged (carl)
Sync problem with particular file
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
resolved (carl)
2.18.0Blue on black text in advanced prefs on dark theme
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
resolved (carl)
PE at src/lib/
[DCP-o-matic]  Major features
resolved (carl)
2.16.xSupport grok GPU acceleration
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
resolved (carl)
Support for some markers is missing
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
Verifier checks shared assets multiple times
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
acknowledged (carl)
Ruby and text blocks are not sorted correctly
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
acknowledged (carl)
Dissolve works on 4K render but not on 2K
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
Pink/blue patches on b+w image when made into a DCP
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
resolved (carl)
PE with particular TrueHD file
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
feedback (carl)
Corrupted audio on playback of 3D 25fps DCP
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
2.16.xNo audio on 2.16.89, works on 2.14.59
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
2.16.xButler dies when skipping backwards on particular file
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
Clicking on a selected thing in the timeline (to drag it) shouldn't deselect it
[DCP-o-matic]  Features
Investigate google crashpad
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
Error reporting / crash handling / exception handling is bad
[DCP-o-matic]  Bugs
confirmed (carl)
2.16.xProgramming error at ../src/lib/ 1939 vs 2075
[DCP-o-matic]  Features
confirmed (carl)
Make it clearer which config.xml is being used when running the CLI