View Bug Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002908DCP-o-maticFeaturespublic2024-12-06 12:33
Reportermhm Assigned Tocarl  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Target Version2.18.1 
Summary0002908: Calculate time code for "image component too large" and similar errors in cli verifier

When hardware players have problems with these kind of errors they play fine up until a frame like these occurs:

"Error: Frame 6873 has an image component that is too large (component 0 is 1000002 bytes in size)."

To easier diagnose if there is a problem it would be really nice if a time code could be calculated from the CPL(s).

Ideally time code, CPL ContentTitleText and CPL uuid should be displayed along with the error. If there are several CPL:s in the package that includes the problematic track file, maybe display this info for all of them?

Maybe do the same also for this error:

"The JPEG2000 codestream for at least one frame is invalid (unknown marker e1)."

Thanks in advance!

TagsNo tags attached.
Estimated weeks required
Estimated work requiredSmall


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Bug History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-05 22:49 mhm New Bug
2024-12-06 12:33 carl Assigned To => carl
2024-12-06 12:33 carl Status new => confirmed
2024-12-06 12:33 carl Target Version => 2.18.1
2024-12-06 12:33 carl Estimated work required => Undecided
2024-12-06 12:33 carl Estimated work required Undecided => Small