Create multi reel dcp from dpx sequence?

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Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:06 am

Create multi reel dcp from dpx sequence?

Post by gunnar »

How is best to create multi reel dcp from dpx sequence? Each reel as seperate folder with the images and how is then the sound mapped correctly to each reel?

The DoM gui might need some kind of "Add reel" button to add in new reel and that reel is seperate tab "reel 1, reel 2 and stuff like that"

And is dpx sequence no problem to create dcp from?
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Re: Create multi reel dcp from dpx sequence?

Post by Carsten »

Every single 'Add Folder' creates it's own content entry. So, if these DPX image sequences have been named 'reel1_000001...', reel2_000001...' you will see them in the content list as such, and if you add reel segmented audio, it will be added alike. Depending on your files (multiple mono/multichannel),you may need to do some manual rearranging (check TImelineview), but it should work. Make sure you name your files properly so you can easily identify them in the GUI (reel numbers, channel names, etc.).

BTW - recent versions of OS X come with a simple finder-context menu to easily batch rename files. Very straight to use.

Keep in mind for the prepping: When you add multiple reels of video, it is very easy to rearrange them in DCP-o-matic, both in list as well as timeline view.

However, with a bunch of audio files, segmented in reels, and a mono file for each channel, that's getting complicated in many ways. I usually suggest to add multichannel audio as interleaved files. The handling benefits are large enough to take the effort and do this beforehand (Audacity can do it). If you absolutely want to use single channel per file, if possible, name them according to this pattern

... (use appendixes from DCP channel names in the audio matrix)

That way, DCP-o-matic will try to automatically assign channels right after import, so it saves a bit of time.

I am not a huge fan of using reel'd content. It's no problem to create reel'd DCPs, as then DCP-o-matic creates the proper segmenting automatically, but you can create reel'd DCPs also from non-reel'd content. If you get your content reel'd, again, try at least to get/make the audio in single file interleaved format. There is absolutely no benefit in creating mono files. The only good reason would be if for some reason, the file creator wasn't sure about the channel/track number relation of input files vs. DCPs, e.g. wether Center should go to 2 or 3, thus naming the files unmistakably by their designation, not channel number.

@Carl - I guess we could improve that smart audio file handling on import a bit? The timeline view does not allow free positioning of files. While it is possible to achieve what you want with multiple audio reels and multiple mono files for each reel, it is still cumbersome and doesn't look pretty in timeline view. With an arrangement of reels and mono files, the timeline view is the only way to get a nice overview over your file/track arrangement - so it would be better if it reflects the intentions 1:1.

- Carsten