Editing DCP Name / Type

Anything and everything to do with DCP-o-matic.
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Joined: Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:18 am

Editing DCP Name / Type

Post by filmteknik »

I made a DCP and accidentally left the type as ADV. Is there a simple way to edit that to make it FTR? I know one can use a DCP as input to make a new DCP but while I would hope it does not actually re-render the individual jpegs, it does seem to do something on frame by frame basis and that's too much trouble; this DCP isn't going anywhere where ADV would confuse anyone. TIA

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Re: Editing DCP Name / Type

Post by phili2p »

Hi Steve,

I'm not sure if there's any better way than repack the DCP as a FTR: no coding, just wrapping the assets to the container and creating a new hash. This should be fast enough and a safe way, too.

If it's just for one screening, you can also print out the cover sheet and/or leave a message to the projectionist about the ADV-tag.
This tag ist just to let them find your film faster to create a playlist.

Best wishes
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Re: Editing DCP Name / Type

Post by Carsten »

If you still have the project folder with the DCP intact (incl. video folder, etc.), just change the content type and recreate - DCP-o-matic will just relink the media files and recreate the metadata files within no time.

If all you have is the DCP itself, the safest way is to create a new DCP from the existing DCP - but you need to make sure that all new DCP settings are identical for this to happen quickly.

It is possible to edit the metadata files by hand, but if you don't know exactly what you do, you'd better avoid it, as you may end up with a formally invalid DCP.

- Carsten