DCP created, Black at beginning though.

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DCP created, Black at beginning though.

Post by tangierc »

Folks, I made a DCP with version 2.12.20. Creation of the DCP seemed to go well. However when using the DCP-O-Matic 2 Player, the first few minutes of video are black, but I hear the audio. Any ideas? Does the feature "jump to selected content" in DCP-O-Matic have anything to do with it?

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Re: DCP created, Black at beginning though.

Post by Carsten »

'Jump to selected content' has no effect on the DCP, it is only a preview function.

Did you use separate audio files? I would guess that you added video and audio seperately and managed to put them in sequence instead of parallel. DCP-o-matic will create black automatically for all parts with audio-only. Can you post the metadata file here?

You can also reopen the project and choose timeline view, that will show you the media arrangement graphically.

It is also possible that DCP-o-matic had problems decoding your video content, but I doubt this was the case here.

- Carsten