DCP shifted colours

Anything and everything to do with DCP-o-matic.
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DCP shifted colours

Post by JesseVoss »


I have a problem using the DCP tool with Davinci Resolve 11 (Full version).
Wenn starting to export all clips get a bizarre greenish unsaturated look.
Anyone else has this problem? Is there a simple solution to that? - maybe in preferences changing a colour space?
Or is the easy DCP in resolve not a fullfunctional tool which needs further software/hardware?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Re: DCP shifted colours

Post by Carsten »

DCPs use XYZ colorspace - unless you are viewing them on a DCI projection system or with a player that retransforms XYZ to RGB, that greenish tint is normal.

Can you explain in more detail how you created your DCP, and where you experience that greenish look? Which player do you use to check the DCP?

- Carsten