Using individual wav-files for each channel instead of the audio in the videofile?

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Using individual wav-files for each channel instead of the audio in the videofile?

Post by m3krister »

I have used TFM Audio Tool to create a synthetic 5.1 surround sound when using other DCP-software in the past, creating a setup of 6 wav-files named properly to be identified by the DCP-program.
Is it possible to input this set of wav-files to DCP-O-Matic instead of using the audio in the video source file?
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Re: Using individual wav-files for each channel instead of the audio in the videofile?

Post by Carsten »

Yes, that is possible. See here:

You may deselect the individual channels of the interleaved audio in the audio matrix, or open timeline view, right click the audio track, and choose 'remove' (which is the same as deselecting all audio channels in the matrix). You may import external audio as individual one-channel-per-file items, or as a multichannel file. Each way has it's own benefits or drawbacks (e.g. when it comes to track properties).

- Carsten