Create my own upmixing template?

Anything and everything to do with DCP-o-matic.
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Joined: Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:29 am

Create my own upmixing template?

Post by m3krister »

Hi, can I create my own upmixing template more in details, for example I want to add delay only on Ls & Rs, or I may want to create Ls & Rs from L-R (not L only or L+R ...) and R-L.
I have used TFM Audio Tool for this to create a sythetic 5.1 surround sound when using other DCP-software in the past, creating a setup of 6 wav-files named properly to be identified by the DCP-program.
Or is it possible to input this set of wav-files to DCP-O-Matic instead of using the audio in the video source file?
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Re: Create my own upmixing template?

Post by Carsten »

No problem to disable the audio that's included with the video and to enable your own discrete audio files.

- Carsten