Namespace declaration

Anything and everything to do with DCP-o-matic.
Posts: 32
Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:41 am

Namespace declaration

Post by cintoli »

After checking a DCP I had made with a previous version of DOM with the newest Player release, I received the following warning (which did not show previously):

'The XML in the subtitle asset (name of the asset) has more than one namespace declaration.'

What does this warning mean in human language? :-D
Posts: 57
Joined: Mon May 17, 2021 1:15 pm

Re: Namespace declaration

Post by StephW999 »

Previously DoM versions declared two namespaces in subtitle xml files:

dcst:SubtitleReel xmlns:dcst="" xmlns:xs="">
here there is dcst and xs

But one is enough :

<SubtitleReel xmlns="">

it doesn't matter at all; it will work anyway