how to export dcp to mp4 by cmdline with hevc encoding and maintaining colorsubsampling.

Anything and everything to do with DCP-o-matic.
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how to export dcp to mp4 by cmdline with hevc encoding and maintaining colorsubsampling.

Post by lijun »

Using the dcpomatic2_cli command, how can I convert a DCP file to an HEVC-encoded MP4 file while maintaining the original ColorSubsampling? Please provide the necessary command for this task.

I have tried the default parameters to export. but the encoding is AVC, and colorSubsampling change from 4:4:4 to 4:2:0

Code: Select all

dcpomatic2_create -o HJJ_FTR-1_S-239_51_20221110_IOP_OV  d:\FFOutput\HJJ_FTR-1_S-239_51_20221110_IOP_OV 
dcpomatic2_cli --export-format mov --export-filename lijuntest1.mp4   HJJ_FTR-1_S-239_51_20221110_IOP_OV 
"vCodec": "JPEG 2000",
"FrameRate": "24.00",
"BitDepth": "12",
"Bitrate": "218579632.00",
"BitrateMode": "",
"ColorSubsampling": "4:4:4",
"ColorSpace": "XYZ",
"ColourPrimaries": "XYZ",
"FormatProfile": "D-Cinema 2k",
"audio": {
"Channels": "6",
"aCodec": "PCM",
"AudioDuration": "5335.38",
"AudioBitDepth": "24",
"ChannelLayout": "",
"ChannelPositions": "",

exported mp4

"vCodec": "AVC",
"FrameRate": "24.00",
"BitDepth": "8",
"Bitrate": "34775928.00",
"BitrateMode": "",
"ColorSubsampling": "4:2:0",
"audio": {
"Channels": "6",
"aCodec": "AAC",
"AudioDuration": "5335.38",
"AudioBitDepth": "0",
"ChannelLayout": "C L R Ls Rs LFE",
"ChannelPositions": "Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE",
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Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:53 pm

Re: how to export dcp to mp4 by cmdline with hevc encoding and maintaining colorsubsampling.

Post by carl »

Does the ProRes 4444 export option in the main DCP-o-matic do what you want?